Sharpen campus connections
Deliver seamless student experiences

Get an A+ in student engagement
Homework is hard—but registering for classes and paying tuition shouldn’t be. From AI-powered self-service options to intelligent contact routing, make it easy for current and prospective students to interact with your administration and get back to class.
Meet students in their preferred channels
As digital natives, today’s tech-savvy students expect asynchronous communication on their terms—and on their channels of choice. Enable them to communicate, engage, and transact via voice or a myriad of digital channels.
Make your staff’s lives easier
Empower your teams with intuitive tools
Your staff shouldn’t need a PhD to deliver personalized and efficient communication. Give them a unified interface that’s easy to learn, use, and communicate with students, alumni, and donors across every channel.
Get extra credit in efficiency
Cut down on response times and use proactive outbound communication channels to meet (and anticipate) students’ needs more quickly. That way everyone can get back to the task at hand—educational excellence.

Integrate for smoother, smarter outcomes

Enhance system connectivity
Sharpen’s open APIs seamlessly integrate with your CRM, data management tools, fundraising platforms, and student systems to eliminate the need for faculty and staff to toggle between multiple platforms.
Enable connectivity everywhere
Whether in a traditional campus, a remote learning environment, or a hybrid of both, Sharpen’s cloud-native infrastructure offers unparalleled flexibility. Ensure that your services are always accessible, secure, and ready to adapt to the evolving needs of the education sector.