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Search Results: 358
Experts Weigh In: Obstacles To A Single Customer View [Plus Bonus PDF]
A single customer view is essential, yet difficult to execute.

Customer service expert Jeff Toister recently wrote about...

4 Reasons Why Airbnb’s on My List of Companies with the Best Customer Experience

Since 2007, Airbnb’s grown to serve 4 million hosts who’ve welcomed more than 900 million guests into their...

A 5-Minute Customer Satisfaction Analysis: Everything You Need to Know

Open a new web browser and type the term “customer satisfaction” in your Google search bar. When...

13 Contact Center Metrics: Definitions & Calculations

Contact centers have a mismanaged relationship with KPIs and metrics. Current state, your contact center metrics act as...

Measuring Customer Satisfaction is Mission-Critical to Success

Product differentiation, alone, has become obsolete. Your competitors can copy your better, faster, cheaper features practically instantly. But they...

An 11-Step Digital Transformation Framework for Your Call Center

Even companies who are sitting on the brink of digital transformation haven’t figured out how to strategize a successful...

Sharpen #1 on Indiana Business Journal’s List of Fastest-Growing Private Companies

INDIANAPOLIS, October 14, 2021 – Sharpen Technologies, developers of the agent-first omnichannel cloud contact center platform, came in...

Hiring the Right Person: Look for These 10 Skills When Hiring your Next Contact Center Agent

The times, they are a’changing.

Innovations in technology let us connect in dramatically new ways. And these rapid developments...

CSAT and Conflict Resolution: What You Should Know

There are a number of different ways contact centers can measure success and customer satisfaction is a key...