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Search Results: 358
How to Win the Omnichannel Race in a World Where Customer Expectations Won’t Stop Rising Any Time Soon

Picture the last time you bought something online.

You’re sitting on your couch, watching The Office...

Enhance Customer Service: Boost Agent Visibility with Call Center Wallboards and Dashboards

You’re sitting in your 1:1 with Heather reviewing the same missed metrics you talked about last week. And...

The 4 Call Center Dashboard Metrics Your Executive Team Needs to See

Transparency is key when you’re managing a successful team. When organizations practice transparency with their employees, they see...

7 Ways to Encourage Customers to Take Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Customer input brings incredible value to your contact center. It gives you insight into your customers’ thoughts and...

How to Use the Data You Have On-Hand to Build Call Center Improvement Strategies for a Customer Experience that Consistently Stands Out

With each new customer interaction, promoted agent, and churned customer, you learn what works in your customer experience....

4 Reasons to Put Your Data to Work: How to Use Customer Insights to Enable the Omnichannel Experience in Your Contact Center Today

Ask any contact center leader for data and you’ll likely end up with a hefty pile of metrics...

Prioritizing Your Employees: Your Customer Service Agents are Foundational to Your Customer Experience Transformation

Customers have ever-increasing control over their relationship with companies. Companies today work overtime to earn customer satisfaction and long-term...

3 Things Your Customer Service Agents Will Tell You About Your Digital Transformation Strategy (Plus 1 They Won’t). 

Companies that don’t engage their frontline managers and employees in transformation efforts only see a 3% success rate.

How to Build a Best-In-Class Customer Experience Like Shopify

Step aside, Amazon. Shopify’s the new Goliath in commerce. The company’s built a best-in-class customer experience that’s ignited...