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Search Results: 358
5 Successful Customer Service Strategies of Top Grocer Trader Joe’s [Monthly Brand Crush Post]

Think about the last time you went to the grocery store. Were you shoving your way through the...

Why Do Some Acquisitions Fail?

What’s the Worst That Could Happen?

In the past few months, the contact center industry has seen some major...

Finding Greater Success as a Leader in your Call Center: 5 Soft Skills Every Manager Needs to Get a Leg Up on the Competition

I graduated from college with a Bachelor of Arts as an English Major and everyone asked me, “Are...

10 Contact Center Coaching Methods that Work: Improve Agent Performance by Building Trust and Developing your Team

Your agents quit their jobs when they don’t get the coaching they need.

Gallup found that managers...

The Future of Omnichannel Starts Today: 4 Omnichannel Strategies that Will Help You Stay Ahead of the Curve in 2021

This year hasn’t gone as anyone expected (biggest understatement right there). COVID-19 threw a wrench in the year...

What is the Cost of Employee Turnover in Your Contact Center?

The cost of turnover is more than the dollar amount you spend to fill an agent’s seat. Every time...

Happy Employees Make All the Difference: The Top 4 Reasons We Love LinkedIn and Their Model for Employee and Customer Success

Uber. Amazon. Facebook. By now you know the tales of tech giants who founded a unicorn company...