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Search Results: 517
4 Common Mistakes in Call Center Agent Performance Dashboard Reporting

When your call center agents don’t have transparency into their goals and performance data, they’ll struggle to meet...

4 Steps to Build a Call Center Training Program

Call centers need to quickly onboard and train agents. Yet ProcedureFlow’s 2021 State of Contact Center Training report...

Happy Employees Make All the Difference: The Top 4 Reasons We Love LinkedIn and Their Model for Employee and Customer Success

Uber. Amazon. Facebook. By now you know the tales of tech giants who founded a unicorn company...

Digital Transformation in the Contact Center: Cloud Migration Lessons from the Trenches

Contact centers have a mounting list of priorities and criteria to make the customer experience a success. But...

How to Use the Data You Have On-Hand to Build Call Center Improvement Strategies for a Customer Experience that Consistently Stands Out

With each new customer interaction, promoted agent, and churned customer, you learn what works in your customer experience....

The Dos and Don’ts of Onboarding New Hires in your Contact Center

Imagine this: It’s your first day at a new job. You’ve got some butterflies in your stomach, enter...

6 Ways to Be an Understanding and Supportive Leader as You Manage a Contact Center Team During a National Cultural Movement

Editor’s note: We realize racism both in and out of the workplace is an extremely difficult topic...

What is the Cost of Employee Turnover in Your Contact Center?

The cost of turnover is more than the dollar amount you spend to fill an agent’s seat. Every time...

How an Omnichannel Customer Experience Benefits Customers and Business

According to PWC, the number of companies investing in their omnichannel customer experience jumped by more than 300%...