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Search Results: 517
3 Ways to Optimize Your Omnichannel Customer Journey For the Fast, Quality Service Customers Seek (So Customers Finally Stop Calling You)

Your customers follow the path of least resistance.

It’s why people flock to channels like self-service...

Three Ways Modern Contact Centers Improve Their Operations

Some contact centers are taking a progressive approach to customer satisfaction – they’re starting with their agents’ happiness.

Why Your Customers Care About These 15 Employee Engagement Statistics (And Why You Need to Do the Same)

There’s no red curtain of mystique hiding the benefits of engaged employees. Countless research reports and surveys pile up...

Poor Customer Service Scares Your Customers Off Faster than Ghosts and Ghouls: 7 Stats that Prove It

What has the potential to ruin a person’s entire day, costs companies trillions in lost revenue, and lurks...

Measuring Customer Satisfaction is Mission-Critical to Success

Product differentiation, alone, has become obsolete. Your competitors can copy your better, faster, cheaper features practically instantly. But they...

What Is PBX? [Definition]

Today’s contact centers and business operations teams look starkly different than they did a decade ago. And as...

The Customer Doesn’t Want to Be Right

Customers are complicated and unpredictable, but there’s no business without them. Just because your product/service is good doesn’t...

How to Build a Proactive Customer Service Culture

Isn’t it true that the best complaint is the one that’s never made?

As customer-company interactions increasingly occur on...

7 Fail-Proof Methods to Reduce Customer Churn

Let’s play a game of good news/bad news.

Bad news first: too much customer churn is detrimental to business...